BT Adastral Park, Ipswich
BT Adastral Park, Ipswich
asbestos removal & associated scaffolding
£ 450,000
Barnes Construction
Delivered by
Project details
Open by Queen Elizabeth II in 1975, Adastral Park is a science campus based on part of the old Royal Air Force Station at Martlesham Heath, near Ipswich in the English county of Suffolk.
When the site opened it was known as the Post Office Research Station, but it was subsequently renamed BT Research Laboratories or BT Labs and later Adastral Park, with buildings on site named after stars or constellations.
BT continues to remediate the building estate of asbestos, and commissioned Decontaminate for the following works.
Scope of works
- asbestos removal works
- asbestos licenced scaffolding (erected within contaminated areas)
Project constraints
Large volume of live services to be decontaminated whilst remaining operational and in situ.